SPARK NS 2024 Program

Selected Projects

The five projects selected for the SPARK NS 2024 Parkinson’s Disease Translational Research Program are stellar examples of the work underway by academic researchers in the Parkinson’s disease research community. They meet unmet clinical needs, use robust and novel mechanisms or approaches, and have a high probability of achieving translational objectives during the two-year immersive program.

Principal Investigators for the SPARK NS 2024 Parkinson’s Disease Translational Research Program

SPARK NS 2024 Parkinson’s Disease Translational Research Program

Reducing Alpha Synuclein Spread in Parkinson’s Disease

Alice S. Chen-Plotkin, MD

Parker Family Professor of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania


Design of Small Molecule Degraders of Synuclein mRNA

Matthew D. Disney, PhD

Institute Professor and Chair, The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology, University of Florida


Small Molecule for Autophagy Enhancement for Parkinson’s Disease

James H. Hurley, PhD

Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology and Kirsch Springer Chair in Biological Sciences, University of California, Berkeley


Preventing Dopamine-Induced Neurotoxicity in Parkinson's Disease

Gary W. Miller, PhD

Vice Dean for Research Strategy and Innovation, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University


Axonal Reinnervation Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease

David Sulzer, PhD

Professor of Neurobiology, Columbia University
